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Mrs. Lauren Linss Web Pages

             Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year!
Mrs. Linss 

 Please contact me if you have any questions about Art or Library. My extension is 1008 or by email:    


AR Point Requirements:

2nd:5pts(1st Quarter) and 4 rest of the year

3rd:8pts  (1st Quarter) and 6 rest of the year 

4th:10 pts (1st Quarter) and18 rest of the year  
5th:13pts (1st Quarter) and 10 rest of the year
6th:17pts (1st Quarter) and 13 rest of the year
7th:21pts (1st Quarter) and 16 rest of the year


 This year I will be having Art Club on the 2nd Monday of the month. Art Club will be 3:00-4:00.